Moving With Young Kids

Moving With Young Kids

Moving can be challenging, but moving with kids can be even more so. Moves can be an emotional time for children, as it can be hard for them to understand and the change can be difficult. Make your move less of a hassle and stress-free by following these steps.

Talk With Your Kids

The first step to take before even preparing to move is to talk with your children. If you begin the moving process before saying anything, they’re likely to find out what’s going on and then be upset that you didn’t talk with them about it. Instead, talk with them as soon as you know you’ll be moving.

When talking with your kids, it’s important to be open with them and answer all of their questions. They’ll likely be both curious and concerned about the move and will want lots of information. The older your kids are, the more information you’ll need to share with them, including details on when you’ll be moving and what life will be like in your new location. Of course, if you’re only moving with a baby, you don’t need to worry about this part.

Although your child may not fully understand what it will mean to move, it’s important for you to reassure them that everything will be okay and that not everything will change. Most things will still be the same where you move, and they’ll be keeping their stuff. What will change is their environment, and they’ll get to meet new people.

Bring Your Kids to the New Neighbourhood

Keeping your kids excited about the move is essential to prevent them from being upset. One way to do this is to bring them to the new neighbourhood. They’ll be able to experience their new home in a positive way and potentially meet some neighbours before heading over. This will also prevent them from being worried about the unknown. If they know nothing about where they’re going, it’s easy to be scared. Instead, they can look forward to moving to that fun place they visited.

Stick to a Routine

Routines are a helpful crutch for anyone during times of stress. If you have specific routines with your children, such as bedtime routines, it’s important to stick to those during the time of the move and immediately after. This will make everything feel familiar, even during a new event and in a new location.

Hire a Babysitter

Have trouble preparing for the move while taking care of your kids? Hiring a babysitter for a few days is a simple fix to that problem. They can entertain your children while you pack and clean your home, and you won’t need to worry about them while you’re trying to get work done.

Pack Your Kids’ Things Last

Preserving a normal environment for your kids will make everything easier for them, and that includes still having all of their things. If at all possible, leave your children’s things to be packed last, and then unpack their stuff first once you arrive at your new place. Being able to see and hold their possessions will be a source of comfort.

Be Patient and Empathetic

Moving to a new home can be stressful and upsetting. This is especially true for school-aged kids who are going to be moving away from friends and their school. For someone so young, this is a dramatic and life-changing event.

Whenever talking with them, even when they get upset or angry, it’s important to try and be patient and empathetic. They don’t have the life experience you have to understand that everything will turn out okay. Planning on moving with young kids soon? Hiring a real estate agent is another way to reduce your own stress, as they’ll reduce your workload. Contact one of our agents today to see how we can help make your move better.

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