Four Offices filled with Award-Winning REALTORS®

We are here to Help Answer your Questions

From our long experience helping people like you with all aspects of the buying process, we’ve put together a short list of the questions we often receive, along with our answers. If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us

Question 1: What price home can I afford?

Generally, the price that you can afford will depend on the following six factors:

  • Your household income
  • Your outstanding debts
  • Your credit history
  • Current interest rates
  • The type of mortgage that you select
  • The cash that you have available for the down payment and closing costs

Because there can be such variance in these factors, there are no simple ‘rules of thumb’. Your best bet is to speak with one or more financial institutions and mortgage brokers. They will be able to tell you what you can afford and what it will cost, as well as help you to harmonize your mortgage within your broader financial goals. Also, keep in mind that experienced REALTORS® will have mortgage contacts who might be able to help you.

Question 2: At what point should I try to get pre-approved for a loan?

Ideally, once you have decided that you are going to buy you should get pre-approved — for a loan as soon as possible. This will give you three main advantages:

  • You will know the most you CAN spend, and on that basis you will be able to decide how much you WANT to spend given all your other financial obligations and priorities.
  • Once you know how much you want to spend you will be able to begin searching properties for sale based on a specific price range, and this will help you to stay focused, save time and make more informed decisions with regard to any and all details (e.g. upgrades).
  • If you find a home which you absolutely love — perhaps one that involves multiple offers — you will be able to make an offer immediately and assure the seller that you are ready to buy. In some buying situations this can make the difference between getting or not getting the home you want, and could also put you in a better position to negotiate price and other elements.

Question 3: How do I find out about the condition of the home I’m considering?

The best place to start is to take a tour of the home with an experienced REALTOR® who will not only be able assess the more superficial aspects of the home, but will often be able to identify tell-tale signs of potential problems if they exist.

If you make an offer on the home and it is accepted by the seller, typically it will be subject to the condition of a thorough inspection by a professional home inspector. Additionally, the seller will complete a disclosure form which outlines everything known about the property. The seller will be required to disclose any significant defects or malfunctions existing in the home’s major systems, as well as any problems with the interior and exterior walls, ceilings, roof, insulation, windows, fences, driveway, sidewalks, floors, doors, foundation, as well as the electrical and plumbing systems.

The form also requires sellers to note the presence of environmental hazards, walls or fences shared with adjoining landowners, any encroachment of easements, room additions or repairs made without the necessary permits or not in compliance with building codes, zoning violations, any citations against the property or lawsuits against the seller which affect the property. Additionally, you should look for settling, sliding or soil problems, as well as flooding or drainage problems.

Further, if you buy a condo you’ll be able to purchase a document that describes covenants, codes, other deed restrictions, as well as whether the homeowners association has any authority over the subject property and ownership of common areas with others. Be sure to ask questions about anything that remains unclear or does not seem to be properly addressed by the forms provided to you. Your REALTOR® will be able to guide you through all these steps.

Question 4: How low can I consider offering?

That depends on the market and a variety of other factors, often involving the seller’s needs. There are always some sellers who for some reason must sell quickly. However, in a normal market a very low offer in a normal market might be rejected immediately. In a strong buyer’s market, the below-market offer will usually either be accepted or generate a counteroffer. If few offers are being made, an outright rejection of offers becomes unlikely. Conversely, in a strong seller’s market, offers are often higher than full price.

Additionally, there are other considerations involved:

  • Is the offer contingent upon anything, such as your selling your current home and/or getting financing? Is the seller is looking for an early closing date? If so, then even a full price offer — or in a competitive sellers’ market, even an overprice offer — may not be as attractive as a lesser without those conditions.
  • Is the offer made on the house “as is,” or does the buyer want the seller to make some repairs before the close of escrow or make a price concession instead?
  • Is the offer all cash? If so, then an offer at less than the asking price may be more attractive to the seller than a full-price offer with a financing contingency.
  • Are there any requests for seller concessions, such as asking the seller to contribute towards repairs and/or closing costs? If so, the offer is not really full price.

Moreover, it is important to note that different sellers’ pricing strategies can vary greatly. Some deliberately overprice, with others ask for pretty close to what they hope to get. A few — sometimes the cleverest in specific markets — actually underprice their properties in the hope that potential buyers will compete and overbid. That’s why, if you can you should try to learn about the seller’s motivation.

So there really are many factors, and every listing and sale is different. At each of our four Royal City Offices we have many real estate agents who’d be happy to help you strategically weigh all the options. We look forward to hearing from you when the time is right.